Beginner’s Guide to Wing Foiling

Beginner’s Guide to

Wing Foiling

Get your FREE guide today and learn the essentials to get up and winging! ⬇️

  • Wondering where to start?
  • Got a wing but confused about those critical first steps?
  • Up and riding but just need a few pointers to improve your technique? 

Foiling Magazine’s Beginner’s Guide to Wing Foiling offers a comprehensive introduction to this epic new sport. Put together by our Technical Editor, Richard Boughton, the guide offers the perfect introduction to anyone looking to get into the wing foiling game.

As well as Rich’s thorough walk-throughs (from choosing the right kit through to making your first transitions) we also have top wing riders such as Kai Lenny, Annie Reickert and the Spencer Brothers telling us why they love to wing. 

Even if you’re a seasoned wingfoiler, with such a new sport it’s great to keep up with the latest tips and techniques so get your free copy now and enjoy!


An introduction to wing foiling

Is it difficult? Is it for me? Am I going to hurt myself? Will I disappear over the horizon if the wind picks up? We cover all the most critical wing foiling concerns for a new rider, and then some...

The best gear for beginners

There’s a daunting range of wind wings and foils out there, we take the mystery out of it by taking you through some of the theory, and help you decide what will be the best wing foil setup for you and why.

How to set up your wing

Pretty important this! Not only do you not want to look like a kook when you rock up at the beach with your brand new foil and wing setup, but it’s also pretty critical to safety. We’ll get you locked and loaded.

Wing Foiling Survival tips

In the brave new world of wing foiling, there’s a lot of learning to do. Our man Rich gives you the most important tips for looking after yourself and those around you as you make your first tentative steps into the wing foil world.


The most important and fun bit, right? Everything you need to know about heading upwind, downwind, skyward, and maybe even into Foiling Magazine itself…

Those tricky questions any beginner needs to ask are also covered, such as…

Is wing foiling difficult?

The simple answer? No. Wing foiling is one of the easiest and safest watersports out there, and our guide will help you overcome any initial challenges.

How much wind do I need to wing foil?

Experienced wing foilers with a couple of wings at hand can enjoy anything from 8 to 40 knots! With our guide we’ll get you to that stage nice and quickly...

Can I foil upwind with a wing?

Absolutely! The great thing about wing foiling is that it is such an efficient way to get around… Dive into the guide to find out how you can nail your upwind riding.

How do I surf with a wing foil?

For anyone from a regular or a surf-foiling background the benefits are massive. You can use the wing to power yourself out into the line up and then, when ‘wave power’ takes over, you can just hold the wing behind you and focus on the ride. All this (and more) is explained in more detail in the guide!

How do I choose the right foil board?

As with starting any sport, you want to choose a board that will be easy to learn on, but that you will not outgrow too quickly. Get the guide and it’ll help you with all your options!

The pro riders have their say:

“Wing foiling adds another dimension to wind sports by merging the gap between windsurfing and kitesurfing. It has made conditions that aren’t very windy with no waves insanely fun...”

- Kai Lenny

“Wing foiling opens up so many new doors and opportunities to be on the water. As long as you have wind there is always something different and exciting to do with the wing.” 

- Annie Reickert (Annie Starr)

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